Can you truly get over an old love?!
Girl don’t you dare go to his page and see all that happiness! Begin to search the world wide web and start questioning why and how? Begin to doubt your own self worth or why you aren’t in a different place in your life.
Listen, obviously I can write from this point because I have been there and done that! Take it from me you don’t want that smoke!
Bringing yourself undue sadness is not healthy.
In retrospective, I question many of my actions in my own past relationships. The way I respond to disappointment, how I avoid relationship conflict through ghosting, and not communicating my feelings adequately.
But there is only one that I care enough to torture myself with the “why’s”!
Is There a Second Chance for True Love
Wondering if the outcome could have been different, and how my pride played a large role in not attempting to reconcile or seek a better understanding of the root cause.
Whatever your reason is for giving up on your love know without a doubt, I assure you are riddling yourself with unresolved questions is an empty sad path to no where. And maybe you know the answers to to those questions and even regret how things played out but don’t know if you will you ever stop thinking of those memories.
While it’s totally natural to reflect on past loves and the great connections that you had with your exes but at some point you must allow yourself grace to move on.
I can truly say that I have only experience this type of love with one person and much later in my life.
As I continue to question myself on if you can truly get over a past love, I also question if you get a second chance at love as well.
I am a firm believer that GOD put people in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, and knowing that, I am appreciative of the lessons and blessings from those relationships. I can only hope that those learned experiences help me approach relationships differently in the future.
What are some of your biggest regrets in past relationships? Have you moved past them and if so how?
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